In Part I of our interview with Josh York, the founder of “social streetwear” clothing company York Project proved how creativity and gumption can take you places. He has made some leaps of faith and taken some calculated risks, but those things are paying off and paving a way of their own. In Part II we talk job creation, … Read More
entrepreneur For metal fabricators, free time is a luxury
Whether you’re a mechanic, a fabricator, a machinist, or a writer, there’s no such thing as free time. Over the span of many years, you’ve spent long hours nearly every day of every week honing your talent, developing your skills, and gaining knowledge that only comes from such experience. Both the time it takes you … Read More
TheWELDER: Why it’s OK to be your own boss and work for “the Man”
There is a sense of pride associated with working for yourself. The idea that you’re self-reliant, self-made, and answer to no one is enticing. It’s a romantic notion. We’ve all heard and read about the successes of individuals who make it work, from rock stars to actors and from artists to, yes, welders. But for … Read More
Still Building America: Craig Thompson’s advice, Simply do something
I love hearing stories about how one generation has been influenced by the one before to carry the proverbial and literal torch. Craig Thompson, “Mikey Mayhem,” hails from a long line of automotive enthusiasts and fabricators and now owns his own off-road chassis fabrication business. (Continue Reading)