Christian and Alex Bird are our 16-year-old twin cousins. They are my wife Darla’s only blood cousins, and they hold American/British dual citizenship. The boys live in England, but each summer they travel with their mom to the U.S. She does a good job of exposing them to different cultures and lifestyles and found some unique ways for them to experience that this past summer. For one week they volunteered in the soup kitchen at the Bowery Mission in New York City, and they spent another week serving at the Life Remodeled project here in Detroit. The boys worked hard, helped with research for job-training programs, and learned much about the plight of the poor and underprivileged people in each city.

The twins are citizens of the world and incredibly fortunate to travel and experience it like this, so we thought it would be cool to expose them to a bit of the blue-collar life through welding. They were excited but had no idea what to expect. (Continue Reading)

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